วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557
วันศุกร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557
ข้อ 4 (ข้อสอบ คณิต ONET ก.พ.-57)*
เรื่อง ระบบจำนวนจริง

ข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ ONET (ข้อสอบพร้อมเฉลย)
The study of topology is used in the study of weather patterns and atmospheric dynamics.
The concept of graph theory is used in the study of social networks and online communities.
The concept of differential equations is used in the study of fluid dynamics and the behavior of gases and liquids.
เฉลย ข้อ 3 (ข้อสอบ คณิต 7 วิชาสามัญ)

ข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ (ข้อสอบพร้อมเฉลย)
The study of probability theory is used in the field of machine learning to develop algorithms for pattern recognition and prediction.
The concept of calculus is used in the field of geology to study the behavior of rocks and geological formations.
The concept of game theory is used in the study of sports strategy and the behavior of athletes.
ข้อ 3 (ข้อสอบ คณิต 7 วิชาสามัญ ม.ค.-57)
เรื่อง ลอการิทึม

ข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ (ข้อสอบพร้อมเฉลย)
The concept of graph theory is used in the study of transportation networks and logistics. Amazing Fact About Maths
The study of number theory is used in the study of elliptic curves and their applications in cryptography and number theory.
The concept of calculus is used in medicine to model the behavior of biological systems.
เฉลย ข้อ 2 (ข้อสอบ คณิต 7 วิชาสามัญ)

ข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ เรื่อง ระบบจำนวนจริง (ข้อสอบพร้อมเฉลย)
The concept of differential equations is used in the study of epidemiology to model the spread of diseases.
The concept of probability is used in the study of finance to model risk.
The concept of topology is used in the study of string theory and the behavior of subatomic particles.
The concept of game theory is used in the study of political science and international relations to model strategic behavior.
ข้อ 2 (ข้อสอบ คณิต 7 วิชาสามัญ ม.ค.-57)
เรื่อง ระบบจำนวนจริง

ข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ ONET
The study of mathematical logic, which deals with the study of formal systems and their applications, has applications in computer science and philosophy.
The concept of geometry is used in the study of architecture and design.
The concept of topology is used in the study of fluid dynamics and the behavior of materials under stress.
The concept of calculus is used in engineering to study the design of structures and machines.
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557
เฉลย ข้อ 1 (ข้อสอบ คณิต 7 วิชาสามัญ)

ข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ วิชาสามัญ
The study of graph theory, which deals with the study of networks and connectivity, has applications in computer science and social network analysis. Amazing Fact About Maths
The concept of calculus is used in physics to study motion and change.
The concept of game theory is used in psychology to study decision-making and social behavior.
ข้อ 1 (ข้อสอบ คณิต 7 วิชาสามัญ ม.ค.-57)
เรื่อง จำนวนเชิงซ้อน

ข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ ONET
The study of algebraic geometry, which deals with the study of geometric objects defined by polynomial equations, has its roots in the work of Ren? Descartes in the 17th century.
The concept of game theory is used in economics, political science, and evolutionary biology, among other fields. Amazing Fact About Maths
The study of combinatorics, which deals with the study of counting and arranging objects, has applications in computer science and cryptography.
เฉลย ข้อ 3 (ข้อสอบ คณิต ONET-ก.พ.57)

ข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ ONET 2557
The study of topology can be used to study the properties of knots, which are loops of rope or string that are tied in a specific way. Amazing Fact About Maths
The concept of probability, which deals with the likelihood of events occurring, was first introduced in the 17th century.
The field of cryptography, which deals with the study of codes and ciphers, has its roots in mathematics.
ข้อ 3 (ข้อสอบ คณิต ONET ก.พ.-57)
เรื่อง เลขยกกำลัง

Amazing Fact About Maths
The Greek mathematician Archimedes was one of the first to use the concept of infinity in his work.
The concept of vectors, which are quantities that have both magnitude and direction, was first introduced in the 19th century.
The concept of topology, which deals with the properties of objects that are preserved even when they are stretched or distorted, was first introduced in the 18th century.
เฉลย ข้อ 2 (ข้อสอบ คณิต ONET-ก.พ.57)

Amazing Fact About Maths
The mathematical constant pi (π) is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, and has been known since ancient times.
The concept of imaginary numbers, which are numbers that involve the square root of negative numbers, was first introduced in the 16th century.
The formula E=mc^2, which relates energy to mass, was developed by Albert Einstein in 1905.
ข้อ 2 (ข้อสอบ คณิต ONET ก.พ.-57)
เรื่อง เลขยกกำลัง

Amazing Fact About Maths
The concept of infinity was first introduced by the ancient Greeks.
The shortest proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, which states that there are no whole number solutions to the equation a^n + b^n = c^n for n>2, was over 100 pages long.
The ancient Babylonians used a sexagesimal system (based on the number 60) for mathematics, which is why we still use 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour.
เฉลย ข้อ 1 (ข้อสอบ คณิต ONET-ก.พ.57)

Amazing Fact About Maths
Mathematics is considered the universal language of science.
The word "mathematics" comes from the Greek word "mathema" which means knowledge or learning.
The number zero was invented by the Indian mathematician Brahmagupta in the 7th century.
The ancient Egyptians used a system of numerals based on multiples of 10, which is similar to the decimal system used today. Amazing Fact About Maths
The Fibonacci sequence, named after Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, and so on.
ข้อ 1 (ข้อสอบ คณิต ONET ก.พ.-57)
เรื่อง ระบบจำนวนจริง

Among all the Shakespearean dramas, the word “Mathematics” only appears in the play called: “The Taming of the Shrew”.
The mathematical word “hundred” coins from “hundrath” which is an old Norse term that actually referred to a quantity of 120
You can use three geometric cuts to a cake and get 8 pieces.
William Shanks, a renowned Mathematician, spent a large part of his life calculating Mathematical constants and didn’t make a mistake until he reached the 528th digit.
On dice, opposite sides always add up to the number seven.
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